Imagine a type of account that can help your clients minimise tax when transferring between portfolio ranges and risk profiles.
An account that can offer consolidated reporting and increased transparency.
An account that can allow you more time to service your clients.
Step forward SMAs. Whether you call them separately managed accounts (SMAs), managed portfolios or simply managed accounts, they are proving invaluable to advisers looking for increased practice and investment efficiencies.
The rise and rise of SMAs
More than half (56%1) of advisers are using managed portfolios for their client investments, with a further 19% actively considering using them in the future1.
The top three drivers for choosing a managed portfolio platform are:
- They are cost-effective for clients (51%)1
- They can be the main platform for other investments (37%)1
- They provide reporting benefits (34%)1.
Managed portfolio advisers have allocated, on average, close to two-thirds (64%1) of their typical managed account clients’ total investable assets into managed accounts and indicate they’d prefer this to be even higher at 71%1.
The bottom line is more time to spend with your clients. Advisers using managed portfolios save an average of 22.8 hours a week1.
Why advisers love SMAs
Let’s hear from three experienced advisers on how managed portfolios have transformed their businesses.
Simon Everett, founder and director of Perth-based Elysian Wealth Services, is a strong proponent of SMAs. He’s often asked about his experiences by peers and he highlights five key reasons why managed portfolios benefit his clients and his business.
- Expert management | Through regular portfolio rebalancing
- Investment expertise | Across all asset classes
- Investment options | Diversify and manage risk
- Asset allocation | Change quickly and efficiently
- Client reporting | Save time and costs
“Strategy and goal development is where advisers add most value and the use of an SMA allows time for these discussions to occur.”
Simon adds managed portfolios help to “reduce compliance costs for the adviser’s business and means we can spend more time with the client on the education piece and developing the relationship”.
Les McGuire, MD of Future Proof Wealth, says adopting a managed portfolio structure has “completely transformed how we operate as a business”.
“It’s allowed us to deliver on our personal promise to clients that we’ll aim for the best possible investment outcomes.”
Rod Koch, Principal of Queensland-based TNQ Financial Planning, says SMAs on the North platform “provide such great flexibility and customisation when it comes to asset allocation.”
“The SMAs allow us to construct a portfolio tailored to each client’s needs. It provides them with regular and certain income at a frequency which best suits them.”
Evolving strategy, minimising tax
Tax is an often overlooked aspect of the investment journey. Inevitably, a client’s goals or circumstances will evolve, prompting a need for change in their investment portfolio.
An SMA solution like MyNorth’s Managed Portfolios suite seeks to maximise in-specie transfer benefits. This enables you to minimise a client’s capital gains tax (CGT), particularly around significant milestones in your clients’ investment journey.
- De-risking ahead of retirement as part of a decumulation strategy
- Increasing a client’s risk profile towards the start of their adviser-led investment journey
- Introducing or removing active management
- Recalibrating a client’s risk profile following divorce.
So if your client wishes to evolve their investment strategy, they may be better off doing it within an SMA environment.
MyNorth Diversified Index | 5 risk-based multi-asset portfolios to help you navigate your client’s investment journey.
A low-cost investment solution designed with the investment journey in mind.
Low cost | Service your clients at a competitive rate – whatever their balance and goals.
Diversified | Choose from 9 single-sector building blocks.
Tax-efficient and portable | Allow for CGT efficiencies when transferring within the Diversified Index range and across other MyNorth Managed Portfolios.
Flexible and customisable | Use 5 risk-based options as a standalone investment or adapt to suit your client’s needs.
FInd out more
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05 February 2025 The portability benefits of managed portfolios can reduce tax frictions Read moreImportant information
The information on this page has been provided by NMMT Limited ABN 42 058 835 573, AFSL 234653 (NMMT), in its capacity as responsible entity of, and issuer of interests in MyNorth Managed Portfolios (ARSN 624 544 136). It’s for professional adviser use only and must not be distributed to or made available to retail clients.
It contains general advice, and does not take account of your client’s personal objectives, financial situation or needs. A client should consider whether this information is appropriate for them before making any decisions. It’s important your client(s) consider their circumstances and read the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS), investor directed portfolio services guide (IDPS Guide) and target market determination(s) (TMD), available from or by contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841, before deciding what’s right for them.
The views and opinions of the advisers in this article are theirs and may not represent or depict your experience. It is not a guarantee, promise or reflection of other user’s experiences. The adviser has not been paid to provide their view or opinion in this article.
Any general tax information provided is intended as a guide only and is based on our general understanding of taxation laws current at the date of publication. It’s not intended to be a substitute for specialised taxation advice or an assessment of a client’s liabilities, obligations or entitlements that arise, or could arise, under taxation law. A client should consult with a registered tax agent / tax professional before deciding to act on the information provided.
The information on this page is provided only for the use of advisers, it is not intended for clients. This page provides a brief overview of some of the benefits of investing in MyNorth Products. The adviser remains responsible for any advice/services they provide to clients including making their own inquiries and ensuring that the advice/services are appropriate and in accordance with all legal requirements.
You can read the Financial Services Guide online for more information, including the fees and benefits that companies related to NMMT, N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654 (N.M. Super) and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided.
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1 Investment Trends, January 2024 Managed Account Report.