If you're not an adviser, head to our Contact page for information and support for clients.

Resources and helpful info

You might find the answer to your query here with links to product documents, fees, and more.

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Track progress

Many actions like tracking the status of an application or withdrawal can be performed by logging into North.      

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Support for you, your team, and your business

We’ve invested in our team to ensure you have the right support available to keep things operating smoothly. Rest assured, with North, you’ll have specialists and experts on hand to help with everything from product innovations and opportunities, to training and education, plus more.

BDMs, Training Consultants and Retirement Specialists

With experienced, on-the-ground representatives in each state, our team is ready to support with everything from initial set-up and training to client onboarding and day-to-day operations.

View team details



North Service Centre

Our friendly contact centre is on hand to help you with general enquiries relating to product information, transactions, claims, administration or account maintenance.

They are based in Australia and available weekdays between 8:30am and 7:00pm (Sydney time).

Technical and legislative support

Technical experts to help you and your support staff fine-tune your advice strategies; as well as understand the laws and regulations for a range of financial planning advice areas including Super, SMSF, Retirement, Income Streams, Centrelink, Aged Care, Redundancy Taxation and Small Business CGT. 

While the team are experts, they are not licensed to provide tax or legal advice, review advice documents, trust deeds or wills, and can’t help with state-based legislation such as land tax or stamp duty. 

This service is for advice practices only.



Mon-Fri, 9am – 5:30pm (Sydney time)


Looking for specific support?

If you're not an adviser, head to our Contact page for information and support for clients.

AMP Bank

General bank and home loan enquiries

Call: 13 30 30
Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm (Sydney time)
Saturday - Sunday 9am - 5pm (Sydney time)

Email: info@ampbanking.com.au

AMP Advice

Service Desk

Call: 1300 116 938

Email: advice_service_desk@amp.com.au


Call: 136 267

Email: licensing_requests@amp.com.au


Call: 133 731 options 3, 1

Website: portal.amp.com.au 


Call: 13 62 67

Email: remenquiries@amp.com.au 


For family law, PICP queries, financial hardship and death claims.

Email: north_claims@amp.com.au

Complaint escalations

Corporate actions

For assistance with all listed and unlisted securities, and ASX-operations related queries and escalations.

Email: corporate_actions@amp.com.au


Email: north_kyc@amp.com.au

In the subject line, please include: EPOA - the client ID and POA case ID/s. 

Margin lending

For assistance with technical, administration and procedural queries and escalations.

Email: ampmarginlending@amp.com.au


Transfer clients Call: 13 62 67
Email: dssregister@amp.com.au
In specie transfers Email: inspecie.transitions@amp.com.au


Corporate Super

Call: 1300 653 456

Email: corporatesuper@amp.com.au


Call: 1300 653 456

Email: customsuper@amp.com.au


Call: 1300 366 019

Email: signaturesuper@amp.com.au


Call: 1300 558 557

Email: superleader@amp.com.au

PortfolioCare Call: 1800 646 234

Complaints and compliments

If there’s something we can improve, or you're not satisfied with our products, services, staff, or processes, it's important we hear about it so we can make things right. Find out how we can help resolve your complaint.

We’d also love to hear about your positive experiences with us and when someone in our team makes things easier and quicker for you to make sure we keep up the good work. Give us a compliment.

Accessibility support

North is committed to ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities. The National Relay Service (NRS) is a free, government initiative that provides different types of call services, depending on your needs and preferences. For help getting in contact with us, please select from the following options.

TTY (Type and Listen) Call 133 677  then ask for 
1800 667 841
 Voice Relay Call 1300 555 727  then ask for 
1800 667 841
SMS Relay Text  0423 677 767

Interpreter services

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is a free interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients. TIS National can be contacted on 131 450 (within Australia) or +613 9268 8332 (outside Australia).


Important information

The information on this page has been provided by NMMT Limited ABN 42 058 835 573, AFSL 234653 (NMMT). It contains general advice only, does not take account of your client’s personal objectives, financial situation or needs, and a client should consider whether this information is appropriate for them before making any decisions. It’s important your client consider their circumstances and read the relevant product disclosure statement (PDS), investor directed portfolio guide (IDPS Guide) and target market determination (TMD), available from northonline.com.au or by contacting the North Service Centre on 1800 667 841, before deciding what’s right for them.  

MyNorth Investment and North Investment are operated by NMMT. MyNorth Investment Guarantee is issued by National Mutual Funds Management Limited ABN 32 006 787 720, AFSL 234652 (NMFM). MyNorth Super and Pension (including MyNorth Lifetime), MyNorth Super and Pension Guarantee and North Super and Pension are issued by N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654 (NM Super) as trustee of the Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund (the Fund) ABN 92 381 911 598. NMMT issues the interests in and is the responsible entity for MyNorth Managed Portfolios. All managed portfolios may not be available across all products on the North platform. All of the products above are referred to collectively as MyNorth Products.  The information on this page is provided only for the use of advisers, it is not intended for clients. This page provides a brief overview of some of the benefits of investing in MyNorth Products. The adviser remains responsible for any advice/services they provide to clients including making their own inquiries and ensuring that the advice/services are appropriate and in accordance with all legal requirements. 

You can read the Financial Services Guide online for more information, including the fees and benefits that companies related to NMMT, N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited ABN 31 008 428 322, AFSL 234654 (N.M. Super) and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided.   

North and MyNorth are trademarks registered to NMMT.  

All information on this website is subject to change without notice.